Monday, 18 April 2011

Nattering with neuroscientists

Anne's at the British Neuroscience Association's biennial conference where she's got a fabulous display all about Knit a Neuron.

We've had so many comments from people here on the blog, from knitters around the world and at events that we've decided to share them with BNA-ers. You can see the tags attached to some of the neurons - that's where your comments reside. Being read by the best neuroscientists in the world!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Drop-in event on Saturday 9 April

Want to knit more neurons? Or see the artwork that's been created from the neurons we've received so far? Come along to the Grant Bradley gallery on Saturday 9 April from 2.30. We'll be there knitting pale neurons for a parallel artwork being created by our friends in the Encephalitis Society. See you there!