Monday, 12 July 2010

Last minute preparation for IndieTracks

We're packing our rucksacks and airing our sleeping bags in readiness for our trip to IndieTracks. Amongst all the tent pegs, roll mats and yarn we even had time for an interview. You can read it here on the IndieTracks blog.

Hope to see you there!


  1. ....and hope we don't get rained on, too!

  2. Well, I've just sent a car-load of wool, needles, brains and KNITTED NEURONS home to my parents in preparation for Indietracks next week.

    (No, my parents don't live in Indietrackland; the logisitics of getting me, lots of wool, the odd brain or two, and my dog, from Bristol to the festival (in Derbyshire) and back again, when I don't have a car, and have to leave dog (Lucy) with parents en route, and collect her again, and be back for work on Monday, in Bristol, are rather complicated!)

    Many thanks to Jennie and Peter who are driving said car-load to my parents as we speak.
